Note: Some Alps holes on our list also have punchbowl greens and may appear in both rankings.
HM: Southampton GC (#16), Dedham Polo (#9)
HM: Piping Rock Club (#9), Westhampton CC (#17)
HM: Rock Spring Club (#12)
HM: Yeamans Hall Club (#10), The Creek Club (#13)
Note: Maiden and Double Plateau greens are variations on a common theme, so are reviewed together .
HM: Dedham Polo (#7)
HM: Dedham Polo (#6)
HM: Fox Chapel Club (#2), Mountain Lake (#15)
*Yes - a lionsmouth green is properly understood merely as a variety of punchbowl.
Yale - if you're reading this, we miss your double punchbowl on #3...Come back!
Note: Par 3 versions only (par 4 versions considered in the "Hybrid Holes" category)
HM: Shoreacres (#14), Mid Ocean Club (#17)
HM: Mid Ocean Club (#10), Shoreacres (#10)
HM: Greenbrier (Old White, #18)
The best combination, offbeat, or quirky implementation of template holes
The best original, non-template MacRaynor holes
HM: Mid Ocean Club (#12), Mid Ocean Club (#16)
Channel, Strategy, Hogs Back, Valley, Sahara, Narrows, - too few of each to merit a separate category
HM: North Shore CC (Sahara, #2), The Greenbrier (Old White, Hogs Back, #2), Mid Ocean Club (Valley, #8)
Even our panel of MacRaynor experts can get it wrong sometimes. We'd love to hear from you with your opinion on holes we've excluded or the merits of various template holes - we love a healthy debate and will update the rankings if we feel you've made a cogent argument, particularly where a hole has been recently modified.
The comment form appears on the home page.
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